
阿加莎,女侦探小说家,剧作家,三大推理文学宗师之一。 这是一部你知道结局依然想要看完的电影,哦,这里说的是2015年的英剧,共三集,合起来也算一部电影。 八个素不相识的人受邀来到海岛黑人岛上。他们抵达后,接待他们的却只是管家罗杰斯夫妇俩。用晚餐的时候,餐厅里的留声机忽然响起,指控他们宾客以及管家夫妇这十人都曾犯有谋杀罪。众人正在惶恐之际,来宾之一忽然死亡,噩梦由此开始了。 ![p2295348268.webp.jpg](https://movie-1251274653.cos.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com/1609314020582431.jpg) 他们在自己的房间里都发现了这首儿歌: Ten little Indian boys went out to dine;

十个印地安小男孩,为了吃饭去奔走; One choked his little self and then there were nine. 噎死一个没法救,十个只剩九。 Nine little Indian boys sat up very late; 九个印地安小男孩,深夜不寐真困乏; One overslept himself and then there were eight. 倒头一睡睡死啦,九个只剩八。 Eight little Indian boys travelling in Devon; 八个印地安小男孩,德文郡里去猎奇; One said he'd stay there and then there were seven. 丢下一个在那里,八个只剩七。 Seven little Indian boys chopping up sticks; 七个印地安小男孩,伐树砍枝不顺手; One chopped himself in halves and then there were six. 斧劈两半一命休,七个只剩六。 Six little Indian boys playing with a hive; 六个印地安小男孩,玩弄蜂房惹蜂怒; A bumblebee stung one and then there were five. 飞来一蛰命呜呼,六个只剩五。 Five little Indian boys going in for law; 五个印地安小男孩,惹是生非打官司; One got in Chancery and then there were four. 官司缠身直到死,五个只剩四。 Four little Indian boys going out to sea; 四个印地安小男孩,结伙出海遭大难; A red herring swallowed one and then there were three. 鱼吞一个血斑斑,四个只剩三。 Three little Indian boys walking in the Zoo; 三个印地安小男孩,动物园里遭祸殃; A big bear hugged one and then there were two. 狗熊突然从天降,三个只剩两。 Two little Indian boys sitting in the sun; 两个印地安小男孩,太阳底下长叹息; One got frizzled up and then there was one. 晒死烤死悲戚戚,两个只剩一。 One little Indian boy left all alone; 一个印地安小男孩,归去来兮只一人; He went and hanged himself and then there were none. 悬梁自尽了此生,一个也不剩。 ![p2454506431.webp.jpg](https://movie-1251274653.cos.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com/1609314032463418.jpg) 餐桌上还有十个小瓷像。从第一天晚上开始的几天时间里,每天都有人按着儿歌里述说的方式死去,每死一个人,餐桌上的瓷像就会少掉一个。一时之间,人人自危,都希望能找出一个办法拯救自己的生命。可是海上起了大风浪,不可能寻得救援或者逃出生天。唯一的求生办法就是找出凶手。 谁是凶手呢?荒岛已经被他们搜寻数遍,不可能有容身之处,所以凶手必然在他们中间。幸存着的人们彼此怀疑,彼此试探,可是一切的警戒一切的提防还是没有能阻止那最后一刻的到来。风浪停息了,岛上的明争暗斗也停息了,只留下了十具尸体……无人生还 ![p2303225040.webp.jpg](https://movie-1251274653.cos.ap-beijing.myqcloud.com/1609314043206163.jpg) 带着层层的悬念,电影为我们一点点解开谜题。 一切的偶然发生的背后注定是必然。